The Marshall House |
On this trip we decided to split our time between The Keyhoe House and The 17Hundred90 Inn (Room 204).
The Keyhoe House |
17Hundred90 Inn |
As part of our second visit to Savannah we elected to take the last Paranormal Ghost Tour at The Sorrel Weed House on two separate evenings. The first evening's tour started with an orientation in the courtyard and a walk through the basement of the main house where we captured several photos with bright orbs that appear to be moving when you examine the images in succession, snapped a few seconds apart.
Sorrel Weed House Basement |
Sorrel Weed House Basement |
Sorrel Weed House Basement |
Sorrel Weed House Basement |
Sorrel Weed House Basement |
Sorrel Weed House Basement |
Sorrel Weed House - Second Floor |
However, one of the most fascinating photos that we took that evening was the image of the mirror over the fireplace. If you look to the lower right hand corner of the picture you will see a reflection of something wearing a baggy white shirt, a black strap on its right shoulder (presumably one of two suspenders), and total darkness where the face should be.
Sorrel Weed House - Second Floor with Apparition in the Mirror |
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Sorrel Weed House - Close-up of Apparition in the Mirror on the Second Floor |
Now, I have tried to come up with alternate explanations for this over the last year and a half but I have not been able to debunk this anomaly in the mirror. I have looked at all the other photos as well as the video that we took during the evening, and I could not find anyone wearing this type of outfit (and no, there wasn't anyone on the tour that had a black void in lieu of a face). Of course, I wish that the man in the hat had not been standing directly in front of the spot where the thing would have been standing to create the reflection seen in the image, but such is life (or death - I'm not sure anymore). However, what I do know is that the entity seen in the mirror not only doesn't match the description of anyone else on the tour, but its' reflection is much darker than those cast by the two (real) men standing to the left of the mirror. I simply have never run across anything like this before and I don't know what to make of it.
The tour progressed to the balcony on the second floor where Matilda, wife of Francis Sorrel, is said to have jumped to her death in the courtyard below after walking in on her husband and Molly (a slave girl who was very close to the family) having an affair. We captured the following evp while listening to the tour guide tell the story about the circumstances leading up to Matilda jumping off the balcony.
Later, we moved on to the carriage house to see Molly's room on the second floor where she was found dead, hanging from the rafters shortly after her affair with Francis was discovered. We received several random evps in the carriage house that are interesting but don't seem to be connected in any logical way.
When this evp was recorded no one in the group was talking. At this point, we were all walking up the stairs to the second floor of the carriage house.
When these next three evps were recorded we were in Molly's room on the second floor of the carriage house.
The next evp was a funny one to hear later since the one guy on the tour (seen previously in the picture with the mirror) had a shaved head.
This evp was fascinating and a little frustrating since so many random phrases were jammed into a relatively short period of time.
The off-color and seemingly random nature of the content of most evps never ceases to amaze me. I constantly catch myself trying to make sense of them and draw connections, but the truth is many evps yield very few answers but are intriguing nonetheless.
The tour finally concluded in the courtyard where it had begun and the other members of the tour quickly departed. However, since I had recorded such interesting evps in the root cellar of the carriage house the previous year, I asked the tour guide if I could investigate the area by myself while she locked up the house. She agreed and I proceeded to walk down into the dark, musty root cellar with my video camera and digital recorder in hand. While I was in the cellar with the door shut in complete silence & darkness, I captured the following evps. In the first two evps you will hear me ask questions related to the "secrets" that the spooky female voice illuded to when my wife and I were in the root cellar the previous year. I did not get the same woman's voice this time however. Still, what I did capture was as surprising and unexpected as ever.
Not only did the next evp come through in a demonic sounding voice, similar to the one we recorded the previous year in the root cellar, but I really didn't appreciate it's response to my fairly simple question.
The last two evps from the root cellar (the first one from a female the second from a male) are pretty spooky but at least they don't sound demonic.
After about 20 minutes in the dark, dingy cellar of the carriage house, I had my fill for the evening and resurfaced to find my wife and the tour guide talking in the courtyard. While I thanked the tour guide for letting me explore the root cellar my wife walked around the courtyard taking pictures. In these series of photos, taken one after the other a few seconds apart, we later found some of the best visual evidence for the existence of ghosts that we have ever collected. In the last few photos that my wife took that evening in the courtyard, images of orbs floating randomly in the air give way to one photo that suddenly contains a figure of man.
Sorrel Weed House - Courtyard |
Sorrel Weed House - Courtyard |
Sorrel Weed House - Courtyard |
Sorrel Weed House - Courtyard with Apparition |
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Sorrel Weed House - Close-up of Apparition in Courtyard |
We returned to The Sorrel Weed House a couple days later and got more photos with orbs and a few more evps, but nothing could compare to what we encountered this particular evening. This is why, when my wife and I are asked what places we have been to that we would consider to be truly haunted, one of the first places we mention is The Sorrel Weed House in Savannah, Georgia. I hope that you can now better understand why we can make that claim with a great deal of confidence.
See other posts about the Sorrel Weed House at Sorrel Weed House Savannah, Georgia 2011 & The Sorrel Weed House - Carriage House Second Floor.
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